You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

29 lines
1.1 KiB

#include <iostream>
#include "person/base/Person.h"
#include "person/students/Graduate.h"
#include "person/TeachAssistant.h"
int main() {
* 因为这里的代码用到了中文,所以代码文件编码设置成了GBK,而不是UTF8(呜呜呜)
* 所以请设置好编译器及控制台相关选项,以免运行时输出乱码
* 该项目为CMake项目,为运行方便建议使用VStudio或者clion等支持cmake的IDE打开本项目(已测试过)
// to avoid garbled when output Chinese character
// 防止中文乱码
setlocale(LC_ALL, "zh-CN");
Person baseInformation("id233333", "Lag Seeing", Person::SEX_MALE, "ident23333", Date(2002, 9, 6));
Person adviserBaseInformation("id0000000", "Goos Suede", Person::SEX_MALE, "ident000000", Date(1992, 1, 1));
Teacher adviser(adviserBaseInformation, "导师", "BEE-HIVE");
TeachAssistant teachAssistant(121, baseInformation, "不知道什么专业", adviser, "助教", "BEE-HIVE");
std::cout << teachAssistant.toString() << '\n';
std::cout << "\nover. If Chinese character can't be display correctly, please check the file encoding. (GBK)\n";
return 0;