# Miscellaneous *.class *.log *.pyc *.swp .DS_Store .atom/ .buildlog/ .history .svn/ migrate_working_dir/ # IntelliJ related *.iml *.ipr *.iws .idea/ # The .vscode folder contains launch configuration and tasks you configure in # VS Code which you may wish to be included in version control, so this line # is commented out by default. #.vscode/ # Flutter/Dart/Pub related # Libraries should not include pubspec.lock, per https://dart.dev/guides/libraries/private-files#pubspeclock. /pubspec.lock **/doc/api/ .dart_tool/ .packages build/ HELP.md target/ !.mvn/wrapper/maven-wrapper.jar !**/src/main/**/target/ !**/src/test/**/target/ ### STS ### .apt_generated .classpath .factorypath .project .settings .springBeans .sts4-cache ### NetBeans ### /nbproject/private/ /nbbuild/ /dist/ /nbdist/ /.nb-gradle/ build/ !**/src/main/**/build/ !**/src/test/**/build/ ### VS Code ### .vscode/ *.log *.class mvnw mvnw.cmd /database/ /delombok/ */.mvn