You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// Created by lenfrex on 2022/4/4.
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
#include "CString.h"
CString::CString(int size) {
data = new char[size]();
CString::~CString() {
delete[] data;
data = nullptr;
* 5120...
CString::CString() : CString(MAX_LENGTH) {}
* MAX_LENGTH的部分不会被放入
CString::CString(char *source) : CString(MAX_LENGTH) {
strncpy(data, source, MAX_LENGTH);
int sourceLength = (int) strlen(source);
if (sourceLength < MAX_LENGTH) {
data[sourceLength] = 0;
* Java中String类的equal()
* data是否为nullptrnull则truefalse
* false
* true
bool CString::operator==(const CString &source) const {
// 首先判断两CString对象data成员是否为空指针
if (source.data == nullptr || this->data == nullptr) {
return source.data == nullptr && this->data == nullptr;
int length = (int) strlen(data);
int sourceLength = (int) strlen(source.data);
// 字符串长度不等,字符串肯定是不等
if (length != sourceLength) {
return false;
} else {
// 长度相等且data指向相同肯定等
if (source.data == this->data) {
return true;
// 以上情况都不符合时才进行逐字比较
int compareLength = std::min(sourceLength, length);
for (int i = 0; i < compareLength; ++i) {
if (data[i] != source.data[i]) {
return false;
return true;
CString &CString::operator=(const CString &source) {
// 处理自己给自己赋值的情况,那叫啥,自赋值
if (this == &source) {
return *this;
// 等号右侧空指针的话直接data赋为空指针
if (source.data == nullptr) {
delete[] data;
this->data = nullptr;
return *this;
// 如果本来是null的话就先分配好空间
if (this->data == nullptr) {
this->data = new char[MAX_LENGTH]();
strncpy(data, source.data, MAX_LENGTH);
int sourceLength = (int) strlen(source.data);
if (sourceLength < MAX_LENGTH) {
data[sourceLength] = 0;
return *this;
CString &CString::operator+=(const CString &source) {
// nullptr不做处理
if (source.data == nullptr) {
return *this;
int sourceLength = (int) strlen(source.data);
int length = 0;
// 本对象nullptr的话就先新分配再拼接
if (data == nullptr) {
this->data = new char[MAX_LENGTH]();
length = sourceLength;
} else {
length = (int) strlen(data);
// 先加两个横杠...
for (int i = length, j = 0; i < MAX_LENGTH && j < 2; ++i, ++j) {
this->data[i] = '-';
// 去他的strcat,不判溢出什么的了,直接手动实现判断
for (int i = length + 2, j = 0; i < MAX_LENGTH && j < sourceLength; ++i, ++j) {
this->data[i] = source.data[j];
return *this;
CString::CString(const CString &source) : CString(source.data) {}
bool CString::operator>(const CString &source) const {
// 管他data空不空呢,不是这里该管的事,调用方在调用前就应该判断了
return strcoll(this->data, source.data) > 0;
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &outputStream, const CString &source) {
return outputStream << source.data;
std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &inputStream, const CString &source) {
return inputStream >> source.data;
char CString::operator[](const int i) const {
return data[i];