# html lang language: zh-cn # main menu navigation menu: 首页: / 存档: /archives 扩展: https://huhu.ciduid.top nginx文档: /nginx-docs IPV6: /ipv6 传送门: /teleport-public 大佬们: /giants avatar: https://oss-img.ciduid.top/aether/square.jpg # stylesheets loaded in the stylesheets: - /css/hexo-theme-yorha.css - /css/common.css # scripts loaded in the end of the body scripts: - /js/hexo-theme-yorha.js wordcount: enable: true post_wordcount: true min2read: true total_wordcount: true social: Github: lensferno || https://github.com/lensferno Email: lensferno@outlook.com || mailto:lensferno@outlook.com Twitter: lensfrex || https://www.twitter.com Bilibili: lensfrex || https://bilibili.com beginTime: "2022·02·23" lazyload: enable: true icp: text: 桂ICP备2022001653号 link: https://beian.miit.gov.cn/