format code

lensfrex 9 months ago
parent ddc939fe45
commit 97674a6368
Signed by: lensfrex
GPG Key ID: B1E395B3C6CA0356
  1. 210
  2. 62
  3. 42
  4. 26
  5. 24
  6. 32
  7. 24
  8. 28
  9. 26
  10. 70
  11. 164
  12. 238
  13. 102
  14. 146
  15. 30
  16. 40
  17. 32

.gitignore vendored

@ -1,105 +1,105 @@
# If you prefer the allow list template instead of the deny list, see community template:
# Binaries for programs and plugins
# Test binary, built with `go test -c`
# Output of the go coverage tool, specifically when used with LiteIDE
# Dependency directories (remove the comment below to include it)
# vendor/
# Go workspace file
# Covers JetBrains IDEs: IntelliJ, RubyMine, PhpStorm, AppCode, PyCharm, CLion, Android Studio, WebStorm and Rider
# Reference:
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# AWS User-specific
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# Sensitive or high-churn files
# Gradle
# Gradle and Maven with auto-import
# When using Gradle or Maven with auto-import, you should exclude module files,
# since they will be recreated, and may cause churn. Uncomment if using
# auto-import.
# CMake
# Mongo Explorer plugin
# File-based project format
# IntelliJ
# mpeltonen/sbt-idea plugin
# JIRA plugin
# Cursive Clojure plugin
# SonarLint plugin
# Crashlytics plugin (for Android Studio and IntelliJ)
# Editor-based Rest Client
# Android studio 3.1+ serialized cache file
# If you prefer the allow list template instead of the deny list, see community template:
# Binaries for programs and plugins
# Test binary, built with `go test -c`
# Output of the go coverage tool, specifically when used with LiteIDE
# Dependency directories (remove the comment below to include it)
# vendor/
# Go workspace file
# Covers JetBrains IDEs: IntelliJ, RubyMine, PhpStorm, AppCode, PyCharm, CLion, Android Studio, WebStorm and Rider
# Reference:
# User-specific stuff
# AWS User-specific
# Generated files
# Sensitive or high-churn files
# Gradle
# Gradle and Maven with auto-import
# When using Gradle or Maven with auto-import, you should exclude module files,
# since they will be recreated, and may cause churn. Uncomment if using
# auto-import.
# CMake
# Mongo Explorer plugin
# File-based project format
# IntelliJ
# mpeltonen/sbt-idea plugin
# JIRA plugin
# Cursive Clojure plugin
# SonarLint plugin
# Crashlytics plugin (for Android Studio and IntelliJ)
# Editor-based Rest Client
# Android studio 3.1+ serialized cache file

@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
# Lavos
## 目录结构
## 运行/测试
要运行测试,需要go开发环境。[Go installation instructions:](
go test lavos/cap3
go test lavos/cap3 -v '' 'Ex6$'
go test lavos/cap3 -v '' 'Work1$'
## 其他细节
# Lavos
## 目录结构
## 运行/测试
要运行测试,需要go开发环境。[Go installation instructions:](
go test lavos/cap3
go test lavos/cap3 -v '' 'Ex6$'
go test lavos/cap3 -v '' 'Work1$'
## 其他细节

@ -2,28 +2,28 @@ package cap3
// Ex10 从0~n的整数中取r个不同的数做一组,求所有可能的组合
func Ex10(n, r int, callback func(nums []int)) int {
if r > n {
return 0
if r > n {
return 0
count := 0
combine := make([]int, r)
count := 0
combine := make([]int, r)
var findCombine func(m, k int)
findCombine = func(n, k int) {
// 从n开始往下遍历组合
for i := n; i >= k; i-- {
combine[k-1] = i
if k > 1 {
// k-1和n-1,继续深入遍历,处理子问题
findCombine(i-1, k-1)
} else {
var findCombine func(m, k int)
findCombine = func(n, k int) {
// 从n开始往下遍历组合
for i := n; i >= k; i-- {
combine[k-1] = i
if k > 1 {
// k-1和n-1,继续深入遍历,处理子问题
findCombine(i-1, k-1)
} else {
findCombine(n, r)
return count
findCombine(n, r)
return count

@ -5,19 +5,19 @@ type Vote int // 票数
// Ex11 投票统计,有调整,这里不使用数组存储结果,使用hashmap表存结果
func Ex11(votes []Candidate, numOfCandidate int) map[Candidate]Vote {
result := map[Candidate]Vote{}
for _, candidate := range votes {
// 无效的投票
if candidate <= 0 || int(candidate) > numOfCandidate {
result := map[Candidate]Vote{}
for _, candidate := range votes {
// 无效的投票
if candidate <= 0 || int(candidate) > numOfCandidate {
if _, exists := result[candidate]; !exists {
result[candidate] = 1
} else {
if _, exists := result[candidate]; !exists {
result[candidate] = 1
} else {
return result
return result

@ -4,18 +4,18 @@ type HeightGrade int
// Ex12 身高统计,这里也是用的hashmap存结果
func Ex12(heights []int) []int {
result := make([]int, 8)
for _, height := range heights {
// 身高映射,上下限调整
mapping := height/5 - 29
if mapping < 0 {
mapping = 0
} else if mapping > 7 {
mapping = 7
result := make([]int, 8)
for _, height := range heights {
// 身高映射,上下限调整
mapping := height/5 - 29
if mapping < 0 {
mapping = 0
} else if mapping > 7 {
mapping = 7
return result
return result

@ -4,23 +4,23 @@ type Subject int
type Student int
func Ex14(subjectPassedStudentMap map[Subject]Student) []Student {
result := make([]Student, 0)
result := make([]Student, 0)
// 学生及格科目数记录
studentRecord := map[Student]int{}
for _, student := range subjectPassedStudentMap {
// 对当前学生及格科目计数
if _, exists := studentRecord[student]; !exists {
studentRecord[student] = 1
} else {
// 学生及格科目数记录
studentRecord := map[Student]int{}
for _, student := range subjectPassedStudentMap {
// 对当前学生及格科目计数
if _, exists := studentRecord[student]; !exists {
studentRecord[student] = 1
} else {
// 学生及格科目数已达到传入的科目数,即为全科及格
if studentRecord[student] == len(subjectPassedStudentMap) {
result = append(result, student)
// 学生及格科目数已达到传入的科目数,即为全科及格
if studentRecord[student] == len(subjectPassedStudentMap) {
result = append(result, student)
return result
return result

@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
package cap3
var _numberTexts = []string{
"zero", "one", "two", "three", "four",
"five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine",
"zero", "one", "two", "three", "four",
"five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine",
// Ex14NumInput 输入数字,输出英文
func Ex14NumInput(num uint64, callback func(str string)) {
digits := make([]uint8, 0, 20)
for i := num; i >= 1; i /= 10 {
digits = append(digits, uint8(i%10))
digits := make([]uint8, 0, 20)
for i := num; i >= 1; i /= 10 {
digits = append(digits, uint8(i%10))
for i := len(digits) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
for i := len(digits) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
// Ex14StrInput 输入数字字符串,输出英文
func Ex14StrInput(num string, callback func(str string)) {
for _, char := range num {
for _, char := range num {

@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
package cap3
var (
cashes = []int{50, 20, 10, 5, 2, 1}
cashes = []int{50, 20, 10, 5, 2, 1}
// Ex15 最少的纸币找零钱
func Ex15(amount, paid int) map[int]int {
result := map[int]int{}
result := map[int]int{}
// 还要找的钱
change := paid - amount
for i, cash := range cashes {
// 当前面额需要找的张数,整除后结果为0说明当前面额不足以找零
cashNum := change / cash
if cashNum != 0 {
result[i] = cashNum
// 当前面额找完后更新剩余未找余额
change = change - cashNum*cash
// 还要找的钱
change := paid - amount
for i, cash := range cashes {
// 当前面额需要找的张数,整除后结果为0说明当前面额不足以找零
cashNum := change / cash
if cashNum != 0 {
result[i] = cashNum
// 当前面额找完后更新剩余未找余额
change = change - cashNum*cash
return result
return result

@ -3,20 +3,20 @@ package cap3
// Ex16 求x,其平方为一个各位数字互不相同的九位数
func Ex16(callback func(x, x2 int)) {
for x := 10000; x < 32000; x++ {
numCntMap := map[int]bool{}
for x := 10000; x < 32000; x++ {
numCntMap := map[int]bool{}
x2 := x * x
for i := x2; i >= 1; i /= 10 {
digit := i % 10
// 当前数字已经出现过,直接跳过,找下一个x,如果没出现过,则做标记后看下一位数字情况
if _, exists := numCntMap[digit]; exists {
continue Next
x2 := x * x
for i := x2; i >= 1; i /= 10 {
digit := i % 10
// 当前数字已经出现过,直接跳过,找下一个x,如果没出现过,则做标记后看下一位数字情况
if _, exists := numCntMap[digit]; exists {
continue Next
numCntMap[digit] = true
numCntMap[digit] = true
callback(x, x2)
callback(x, x2)

@ -2,52 +2,52 @@ package cap3
// _node 链表节点,单向循环链表
type _node struct {
Value int
Next *_node
Value int
Next *_node
// 初始化长度为n的环
func _initCircle(n int) *_node {
head := &_node{0, nil}
current := head
for i := 1; i < n; i++ {
newNode := &_node{i, nil}
current.Next = newNode
current = newNode
// 头尾相连成环
current.Next = head
return head
head := &_node{0, nil}
current := head
for i := 1; i < n; i++ {
newNode := &_node{i, nil}
current.Next = newNode
current = newNode
// 头尾相连成环
current.Next = head
return head
// Ex17Normal 小朋友游戏(约瑟夫问题),一般解法(非数学解法),n: 总人数(节点数),k:出队报数
func Ex17Normal(n, k int) int {
circle := _initCircle(n)
current := circle
for current.Next != current {
for i := 1; i < k-1; i++ {
current = current.Next
// 报到k-1时移除下一个节点
next := current.Next
current.Next = next.Next
current = current.Next
// 避免内存泄露
next.Next = nil
return current.Value
circle := _initCircle(n)
current := circle
for current.Next != current {
for i := 1; i < k-1; i++ {
current = current.Next
// 报到k-1时移除下一个节点
next := current.Next
current.Next = next.Next
current = current.Next
// 避免内存泄露
next.Next = nil
return current.Value
// Ex17Math 小朋友游戏(约瑟夫问题),公式递推解法,n: 总人数(节点数),k:出队报数
func Ex17Math(n, k int) int {
idx := 0
for i := 2; i <= n; i++ {
idx = (idx + k) % i
idx := 0
for i := 2; i <= n; i++ {
idx = (idx + k) % i
return idx
return idx

@ -1,107 +1,107 @@
package cap3
import (
// Ex18 超长整数乘法(都超长)
func Ex18(a, b string) string {
result := make([]uint8, len(a)+len(b))
resultEndIdx := len(result) - 1
for i := 0; i < len(b); i++ {
carry := uint8(0)
aEnd, bEnd, resultIdx := len(a)-1, len(b)-1, 0
bDigit := b[bEnd-i] - 48
for j := 0; j < len(a); j++ {
// 字符转数字
aDigit := a[aEnd-j] - 48
// 当前位计算结果 = 当前结果 + aDigit*bDigit + 进位
resultIdx = resultEndIdx - (i + j)
num := result[resultIdx] + aDigit*bDigit + carry
// 当前位为计算结果的个位,进位为十位上的数字
result[resultIdx] = num % 10
carry = num / 10
result := make([]uint8, len(a)+len(b))
resultEndIdx := len(result) - 1
for i := 0; i < len(b); i++ {
carry := uint8(0)
aEnd, bEnd, resultIdx := len(a)-1, len(b)-1, 0
bDigit := b[bEnd-i] - 48
for j := 0; j < len(a); j++ {
// 字符转数字
aDigit := a[aEnd-j] - 48
// 当前位计算结果 = 当前结果 + aDigit*bDigit + 进位
resultIdx = resultEndIdx - (i + j)
num := result[resultIdx] + aDigit*bDigit + carry
// 当前位为计算结果的个位,进位为十位上的数字
result[resultIdx] = num % 10
carry = num / 10
// 如果还有进位,则对下一个结果位添加进位,此时不会再有进位
if carry != 0 {
result[resultIdx] += carry
// 如果还有进位,则对下一个结果位添加进位,此时不会再有进位
if carry != 0 {
result[resultIdx] += carry
zeroPrefix := true
sb := strings.Builder{}
for _, num := range result {
if zeroPrefix && num == 0 {
} else {
zeroPrefix = false
zeroPrefix := true
sb := strings.Builder{}
for _, num := range result {
if zeroPrefix && num == 0 {
} else {
zeroPrefix = false
sb.WriteByte(num + 48)
sb.WriteByte(num + 48)
return sb.String()
return sb.String()
// Ex18type2 超长整数乘法(都超长),a和b都是大端序的数字数组/切片
func Ex18type2(a, b []uint8) []uint8 {
result := make([]uint8, len(a)+len(b))
resultEndIdx := len(result) - 1
for i := 0; i < len(b); i++ {
carry := uint8(0)
aEnd, bEnd, resultIdx := len(a)-1, len(b)-1, 0
bDigit := b[bEnd-i]
for j := 0; j < len(a); j++ {
// 字符转数字
aDigit := a[aEnd-j]
// 当前位计算结果 = 当前结果 + aDigit*bDigit + 进位
resultIdx = resultEndIdx - (i + j)
num := result[resultIdx] + aDigit*bDigit + carry
// 当前位为计算结果的个位,进位为十位上的数字
result[resultIdx] = num % 10
carry = num / 10
result := make([]uint8, len(a)+len(b))
resultEndIdx := len(result) - 1
for i := 0; i < len(b); i++ {
carry := uint8(0)
aEnd, bEnd, resultIdx := len(a)-1, len(b)-1, 0
bDigit := b[bEnd-i]
for j := 0; j < len(a); j++ {
// 字符转数字
aDigit := a[aEnd-j]
// 当前位计算结果 = 当前结果 + aDigit*bDigit + 进位
resultIdx = resultEndIdx - (i + j)
num := result[resultIdx] + aDigit*bDigit + carry
// 当前位为计算结果的个位,进位为十位上的数字
result[resultIdx] = num % 10
carry = num / 10
// 如果还有进位,则对下一个结果位添加进位,此时不会再有进位
if carry != 0 {
result[resultIdx] += carry
// 如果还有进位,则对下一个结果位添加进位,此时不会再有进位
if carry != 0 {
result[resultIdx] += carry
return result
return result
// Ex18type3 超长整数乘法(都超长),a是大端序的数字数组/切片,b为uint64
func Ex18type3(a []uint8, b uint64) []uint8 {
result := make([]uint8, len(a)+22)
resultEndIdx := len(result) - 1
bOffset := 0
for i := b; i >= 1; i /= 10 {
carry := uint8(0)
bDigit := uint8(i % 10)
aEnd, resultIdx := len(a)-1, 0
for j := 0; j < len(a); j++ {
// 字符转数字
aDigit := a[aEnd-j]
// 当前位计算结果 = 当前结果 + aDigit*bDigit + 进位
resultIdx = resultEndIdx - (bOffset + j)
num := result[resultIdx] + aDigit*bDigit + carry
// 当前位为计算结果的个位,进位为十位上的数字
result[resultIdx] = num % 10
carry = num / 10
result := make([]uint8, len(a)+22)
resultEndIdx := len(result) - 1
bOffset := 0
for i := b; i >= 1; i /= 10 {
carry := uint8(0)
bDigit := uint8(i % 10)
aEnd, resultIdx := len(a)-1, 0
for j := 0; j < len(a); j++ {
// 字符转数字
aDigit := a[aEnd-j]
// 当前位计算结果 = 当前结果 + aDigit*bDigit + 进位
resultIdx = resultEndIdx - (bOffset + j)
num := result[resultIdx] + aDigit*bDigit + carry
// 当前位为计算结果的个位,进位为十位上的数字
result[resultIdx] = num % 10
carry = num / 10
// 如果还有进位,则对下一个结果位添加进位,此时不会再有进位
if carry != 0 {
result[resultIdx] += carry
// 如果还有进位,则对下一个结果位添加进位,此时不会再有进位
if carry != 0 {
result[resultIdx] += carry
return result
return result

@ -4,134 +4,134 @@ import "strings"
// Ex19 高精度阶乘
func Ex19(n uint64) string {
result := []uint8{1}
for i := uint64(2); i <= n; i++ {
result = multiply(result, i)
result := []uint8{1}
for i := uint64(2); i <= n; i++ {
result = multiply(result, i)
return DigitSlice2String(result)
return DigitSlice2String(result)
func multiply(a []uint8, b uint64) []uint8 {
result := make([]uint8, len(a)+22)
resultEndIdx := len(result) - 1
bOffset := 0
for i := b; i >= 1; i /= 10 {
carry := uint8(0)
bDigit := uint8(i % 10)
aEnd, resultIdx := len(a)-1, 0
for j := 0; j < len(a); j++ {
// 字符转数字
aDigit := a[aEnd-j]
// 当前位计算结果 = 当前结果 + aDigit*bDigit + 进位
resultIdx = resultEndIdx - (bOffset + j)
num := result[resultIdx] + aDigit*bDigit + carry
// 当前位为计算结果的个位,进位为十位上的数字
result[resultIdx] = num % 10
carry = num / 10
// 如果还有进位,则对下一个结果位添加进位,此时不会再有进位
if carry != 0 {
result[resultIdx] += carry
return result
result := make([]uint8, len(a)+22)
resultEndIdx := len(result) - 1
bOffset := 0
for i := b; i >= 1; i /= 10 {
carry := uint8(0)
bDigit := uint8(i % 10)
aEnd, resultIdx := len(a)-1, 0
for j := 0; j < len(a); j++ {
// 字符转数字
aDigit := a[aEnd-j]
// 当前位计算结果 = 当前结果 + aDigit*bDigit + 进位
resultIdx = resultEndIdx - (bOffset + j)
num := result[resultIdx] + aDigit*bDigit + carry
// 当前位为计算结果的个位,进位为十位上的数字
result[resultIdx] = num % 10
carry = num / 10
// 如果还有进位,则对下一个结果位添加进位,此时不会再有进位
if carry != 0 {
result[resultIdx] += carry
return result
func multiply2(a []uint8, b uint64) []uint8 {
result := make([]uint8, len(a)+22)
resultEndIdx := len(result)*2 - 1
bOffset := 0
for i := b; i >= 1; i /= 10 {
carry := uint8(0)
bDigit := uint8(i % 10)
aEnd, resultIdx := len(a)*2-1, 0
for j := 0; j < len(a); j++ {
// 字符转数字
aDigit := uint8(0)
// 4,5 -> 37(0010,0101)
aIdx := aEnd - j
if aIdx%2 == 0 {
aDigit = a[aIdx/2] >> 4
} else {
aDigit = a[aIdx/2] & 0b00001111
// 当前位计算结果 = 当前结果 + aDigit*bDigit + 进位
resultIdx = resultEndIdx - (bOffset + j)
bitIdx := resultIdx / 2
if resultIdx%2 == 0 {
num := (result[bitIdx] >> 4) + aDigit*bDigit + carry
// 清位
// 4,5 -> 37(0010,0101) => 0,5 -> 5(0000,0101)
result[bitIdx] &= 0b00001111
// 位赋值
// 0,5 -> 5(0000,0101) => 5,5 -> 5(0101,0101)
// 5(0000,0101) << 4 => 80(0101,0000)
// 5(0000,0101) | 80(0101,0000) => 5,5 -> 5(0101,0101)
result[bitIdx] |= (num % 10) << 4
carry = num / 10
} else {
num := (result[bitIdx] & 0b00001111) + aDigit*bDigit + carry
// 清位
// 4,5 -> 37(0010,0101) => 4,0 -> 32(0010,0000)
result[bitIdx] &= 0b11110000
// 赋值
// 4,0 -> 32(0010,0000) => 4,5 -> 37(0010,0101)
// 32(0010,0000) | 5(0000,0101) => 4,5 -> 37(0010,0101)
result[bitIdx] |= num % 10
carry = num / 10
// 如果还有进位,则对下一个结果位添加进位,此时不会再有进位
if carry != 0 {
bitIdx := resultIdx / 2
if resultIdx%2 == 0 {
// 4,5 -> 37(0010,0101) => 5,5 -> 37(0101,0101)
// 4+1 -> 5(0000,0101) << 4 => 80(0101,0000)
// 5(0000,0101) | 80(0101,0000) => 5,5 -> 5(0101,0101)
result[bitIdx] &= 0b00001111
num := (result[bitIdx] >> 4) + carry
result[bitIdx] |= num << 4
} else {
result[bitIdx] &= 0b11110000
num := (result[bitIdx] & 0b00001111) + carry
result[bitIdx] |= num
return result
result := make([]uint8, len(a)+22)
resultEndIdx := len(result)*2 - 1
bOffset := 0
for i := b; i >= 1; i /= 10 {
carry := uint8(0)
bDigit := uint8(i % 10)
aEnd, resultIdx := len(a)*2-1, 0
for j := 0; j < len(a); j++ {
// 字符转数字
aDigit := uint8(0)
// 4,5 -> 37(0010,0101)
aIdx := aEnd - j
if aIdx%2 == 0 {
aDigit = a[aIdx/2] >> 4
} else {
aDigit = a[aIdx/2] & 0b00001111
// 当前位计算结果 = 当前结果 + aDigit*bDigit + 进位
resultIdx = resultEndIdx - (bOffset + j)
bitIdx := resultIdx / 2
if resultIdx%2 == 0 {
num := (result[bitIdx] >> 4) + aDigit*bDigit + carry
// 清位
// 4,5 -> 37(0010,0101) => 0,5 -> 5(0000,0101)
result[bitIdx] &= 0b00001111
// 位赋值
// 0,5 -> 5(0000,0101) => 5,5 -> 5(0101,0101)
// 5(0000,0101) << 4 => 80(0101,0000)
// 5(0000,0101) | 80(0101,0000) => 5,5 -> 5(0101,0101)
result[bitIdx] |= (num % 10) << 4
carry = num / 10
} else {
num := (result[bitIdx] & 0b00001111) + aDigit*bDigit + carry
// 清位
// 4,5 -> 37(0010,0101) => 4,0 -> 32(0010,0000)
result[bitIdx] &= 0b11110000
// 赋值
// 4,0 -> 32(0010,0000) => 4,5 -> 37(0010,0101)
// 32(0010,0000) | 5(0000,0101) => 4,5 -> 37(0010,0101)
result[bitIdx] |= num % 10
carry = num / 10
// 如果还有进位,则对下一个结果位添加进位,此时不会再有进位
if carry != 0 {
bitIdx := resultIdx / 2
if resultIdx%2 == 0 {
// 4,5 -> 37(0010,0101) => 5,5 -> 37(0101,0101)
// 4+1 -> 5(0000,0101) << 4 => 80(0101,0000)
// 5(0000,0101) | 80(0101,0000) => 5,5 -> 5(0101,0101)
result[bitIdx] &= 0b00001111
num := (result[bitIdx] >> 4) + carry
result[bitIdx] |= num << 4
} else {
result[bitIdx] &= 0b11110000
num := (result[bitIdx] & 0b00001111) + carry
result[bitIdx] |= num
return result
// Ex19LowMem 低内存使用版,两位数字结果按位存在同一个uint8中,一个0~9数字只使用四字节,uint8可存两位,一个字节拆成两半用
func Ex19LowMem(n uint64) string {
result := []uint8{1}
for i := uint64(2); i <= n; i++ {
result = multiply2(result, i)
zeroPrefix := true
sb := strings.Builder{}
for _, num := range result {
if zeroPrefix && num == 0 {
} else {
zeroPrefix = false
sb.WriteByte((num >> 4) + 48)
sb.WriteByte((num & 0b00001111) + 48)
return sb.String()
result := []uint8{1}
for i := uint64(2); i <= n; i++ {
result = multiply2(result, i)
zeroPrefix := true
sb := strings.Builder{}
for _, num := range result {
if zeroPrefix && num == 0 {
} else {
zeroPrefix = false
sb.WriteByte((num >> 4) + 48)
sb.WriteByte((num & 0b00001111) + 48)
return sb.String()

@ -4,66 +4,66 @@ import "lavos/common"
// Ex5 例题5 汉诺塔问题,输出移动的步骤,可指定算法类型,每做出一步移动操作都将会调用callback
func Ex5(beadNum int, algoType AlgoType, callback func(from string, to string)) {
switch algoType {
case AlgoTypeRecursion:
Ex5Recursive(beadNum, "A", "B", "C", callback)
Ex5NonRecursive(beadNum, "A", "B", "C", callback)
switch algoType {
case AlgoTypeRecursion:
Ex5Recursive(beadNum, "A", "B", "C", callback)
Ex5NonRecursive(beadNum, "A", "B", "C", callback)
func Ex5Recursive(beadNum int, a, b, c string, callback func(from string, to string)) {
if beadNum == 1 {
// 如果只有一颗珠子,直接从 A 移动到 C,结束
callback(a, c)
} else {
// 第二步:将所有在 N 之上的珠子(即 N-1 颗珠子)从 A 移动到 B。此时 C 是中转站
Ex5Recursive(beadNum-1, a, c, b, callback)
if beadNum == 1 {
// 如果只有一颗珠子,直接从 A 移动到 C,结束
callback(a, c)
} else {
// 第二步:将所有在 N 之上的珠子(即 N-1 颗珠子)从 A 移动到 B。此时 C 是中转站
Ex5Recursive(beadNum-1, a, c, b, callback)
// 第二步:将 A 的珠子移动到 C
callback(a, c)
// 第二步:将 A 的珠子移动到 C
callback(a, c)
// 第三步:将剩余的 N-1 颗珠子从 B 移动到 C。此时 A 是中转站
Ex5Recursive(beadNum-1, b, a, c, callback)
// 第三步:将剩余的 N-1 颗珠子从 B 移动到 C。此时 A 是中转站
Ex5Recursive(beadNum-1, b, a, c, callback)
type _step struct {
n int
from, transit, to string
n int
from, transit, to string
func Ex5NonRecursive(beadNum int, a, b, c string, callback func(from string, to string)) {
stack := common.NewStack[_step](beadNum * 5)
// 最终状态:a->c,b作为中转
n: beadNum,
from: a, transit: b, to: c,
for !stack.Empty() {
status := stack.Pop()
if status.n == 1 {
} else {
// 把子问题的三个基本步骤压入栈
n: status.n - 1,
from: status.transit,
transit: status.from,
n: 1,
from: status.from,
transit: status.transit,
n: status.n - 1,
from: status.from,
to: status.transit,
stack := common.NewStack[_step](beadNum * 5)
// 最终状态:a->c,b作为中转
n: beadNum,
from: a, transit: b, to: c,
for !stack.Empty() {
status := stack.Pop()
if status.n == 1 {
} else {
// 把子问题的三个基本步骤压入栈
n: status.n - 1,
from: status.transit,
transit: status.from,
n: 1,
from: status.from,
transit: status.transit,
n: status.n - 1,
from: status.from,
to: status.transit,

@ -2,102 +2,102 @@ package cap3
// Ex6Output 例六的带输出结果
func Ex6Output(num int, callback func(nums []int)) {
Ex6RecursionOutput(num, callback)
Ex6RecursionOutput(num, callback)
// Ex6NoneOutput 例六的不带输出结果版本,只求数量
func Ex6NoneOutput(num int, algoType AlgoType, callback func(nums []int)) int {
switch algoType {
case AlgoTypeRecursion:
return Ex6Recursion(num)
return Ex6NoneRecursion(num)
switch algoType {
case AlgoTypeRecursion:
return Ex6Recursion(num)
return Ex6NoneRecursion(num)
// Ex6Recursion 整数划分,递归写法,只计算结果,但对算法经过调整以适合输出
func Ex6Recursion(num int) int {
count := 0
var divider func(num, m int)
divider = func(num, m int) {
// num == 0 来源会有两种:递归中num==m,以及传入的num本身就是0,此时可以作为一个划分
if num == 0 {
count := 0
var divider func(num, m int)
divider = func(num, m int) {
// num == 0 来源会有两种:递归中num==m,以及传入的num本身就是0,此时可以作为一个划分
if num == 0 {
// 最大划分大小m逐级-1求划分数
if m > 1 {
divider(num, m-1)
// 最大划分大小m逐级-1求划分数
if m > 1 {
divider(num, m-1)
// m <= num,对剩余未加的数进行划分
if m <= num {
divider(num-m, m)
// m <= num,对剩余未加的数进行划分
if m <= num {
divider(num-m, m)
divider(num, num)
return count
divider(num, num)
return count
// Ex6RecursionOutput 整数划分,由上面的递归写法修改而来,可求划分情况,对算法经过调整以适合输出
func Ex6RecursionOutput(num int, callback func(dividedNums []int)) {
var divider func(num, m int, dividedNums []int, callback func(dividedNums []int))
divider = func(num, m int, dividedNums []int, callback func(dividedNums []int)) {
// num==0时,当前已划分完毕,回调输出
if num == 0 {
var divider func(num, m int, dividedNums []int, callback func(dividedNums []int))
divider = func(num, m int, dividedNums []int, callback func(dividedNums []int)) {
// num==0时,当前已划分完毕,回调输出
if num == 0 {
// 最大划分大小m逐级-1求划分数
if m > 1 {
divider(num, m-1, dividedNums, callback)
// 最大划分大小m逐级-1求划分数
if m > 1 {
divider(num, m-1, dividedNums, callback)
if m <= num {
// m <= num,对剩余未加的数进行划分,当前的m已经是划分中的一个成员,将其添加进dividedNums中
divider(num-m, m, append(dividedNums, m), callback)
if m <= num {
// m <= num,对剩余未加的数进行划分,当前的m已经是划分中的一个成员,将其添加进dividedNums中
divider(num-m, m, append(dividedNums, m), callback)
divider(num, num, make([]int, 0, num), callback)
divider(num, num, make([]int, 0, num), callback)
// Ex6NoneRecursion 整数划分,非递归写法,由递归法改写而来,模拟递归过程
func Ex6NoneRecursion(num int) int {
divider := func(num, divideMax int) int {
// 初始化
result := make([][]int, num+1)
for i := 0; i < num+1; i++ {
result[i] = make([]int, num+1)
for i := 1; i <= num; i++ {
result[0][i] = 1
divider := func(num, divideMax int) int {
// 初始化
result := make([][]int, num+1)
for i := 0; i < num+1; i++ {
result[i] = make([]int, num+1)
for i := 1; i <= num; i++ {
result[0][i] = 1
// i从1开始到num进行划分计算,
// 里层j从1开始到m(最大划分大小)开始计算子问题的划分
// 从1开始,自底向上计算
// 此处为非递归写法,当前的结果依赖上一个结果,因此需要先计算上一个结果,
// 因此整个问题过程需要从最小的问题开始计算
divideMax = min(num, divideMax)
for n := 1; n <= num; n++ {
for m := 1; m <= divideMax; m++ {
if n <= m {
// 对应 Q(n,n) = 1 + Q(n, n-1) 的情况
// n < m (n < m) 时均看作i == m (n == m)
result[n][m] = 1 + result[n][n-1]
} else {
// 对应 Q(n,m) = Q(n, m-1) + Q(n-m, m) 的情况
result[n][m] = result[n][m-1] + result[n-m][m]
// i从1开始到num进行划分计算,
// 里层j从1开始到m(最大划分大小)开始计算子问题的划分
// 从1开始,自底向上计算
// 此处为非递归写法,当前的结果依赖上一个结果,因此需要先计算上一个结果,
// 因此整个问题过程需要从最小的问题开始计算
divideMax = min(num, divideMax)
for n := 1; n <= num; n++ {
for m := 1; m <= divideMax; m++ {
if n <= m {
// 对应 Q(n,n) = 1 + Q(n, n-1) 的情况
// n < m (n < m) 时均看作i == m (n == m)
result[n][m] = 1 + result[n][n-1]
} else {
// 对应 Q(n,m) = Q(n, m-1) + Q(n-m, m) 的情况
result[n][m] = result[n][m-1] + result[n-m][m]
return result[num][divideMax]
return result[num][divideMax]
return divider(num, num)
return divider(num, num)

@ -2,25 +2,25 @@ package cap3
// Ex7 低位到高位输出正整数的数字
func Ex7(num uint64, algoType AlgoType, callback func(digit uint8)) {
switch algoType {
case AlgoTypeRecursion:
Ex7Recursion(num, callback)
Ex7NoneRecursion(num, callback)
switch algoType {
case AlgoTypeRecursion:
Ex7Recursion(num, callback)
Ex7NoneRecursion(num, callback)
func Ex7Recursion(num uint64, callback func(digit uint8)) {
if num < 10 {
} else {
callback(uint8(num % 10))
Ex7Recursion(num/10, callback)
if num < 10 {
} else {
callback(uint8(num % 10))
Ex7Recursion(num/10, callback)
func Ex7NoneRecursion(num uint64, callback func(digit uint8)) {
for i := num; i >= 1; i /= 10 {
callback(uint8(i % 10))
for i := num; i >= 1; i /= 10 {
callback(uint8(i % 10))

@ -2,33 +2,33 @@ package cap3
// Ex8 高位到低位输出正整数的数字
func Ex8(num uint64, algoType AlgoType, callback func(digit uint8)) {
switch algoType {
case AlgoTypeRecursion:
Ex8Recursion(num, callback)
Ex8NoneRecursion(num, callback)
switch algoType {
case AlgoTypeRecursion:
Ex8Recursion(num, callback)
Ex8NoneRecursion(num, callback)
// Ex8Recursion 高位到低位输出正整数的数字(递归)
func Ex8Recursion(num uint64, callback func(digit uint8)) {
if num < 10 {
} else {
// 跟ex7的小区别
Ex8Recursion(num/10, callback)
callback(uint8(num % 10))
if num < 10 {
} else {
// 跟ex7的小区别
Ex8Recursion(num/10, callback)
callback(uint8(num % 10))
// Ex8NoneRecursion 高位到低位输出正整数的数字(非递归)
func Ex8NoneRecursion(num uint64, callback func(digit uint8)) {
digits := make([]uint8, 0, 20)
for i := num; i >= 1; i /= 10 {
digits = append(digits, uint8(i%10))
digits := make([]uint8, 0, 20)
for i := num; i >= 1; i /= 10 {
digits = append(digits, uint8(i%10))
for i := len(digits) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
for i := len(digits) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {

@ -2,27 +2,27 @@ package cap3
// Ex9t1 整数拆解为2的幂之和(返回整数的二进制bit取值情况,bit的idx对应相应的幂)
func Ex9t1(num int) []bool {
// 传进来的是int,一般是32bit,这里就用64来存bit,肯定够了
bits := make([]bool, 0, 64)
for i := 0; num != 0; i++ {
bits = append(bits, num%2 == 1)
num /= 2
// 传进来的是int,一般是32bit,这里就用64来存bit,肯定够了
bits := make([]bool, 0, 64)
for i := 0; num != 0; i++ {
bits = append(bits, num%2 == 1)
num /= 2
return bits
return bits
// Ex9t2 整数拆解为2的幂之和(返回幂取值)
func Ex9t2(num int) []uint8 {
// 传进来的是int,一般是32bit,这里就用64来存bit,肯定够了
bits := make([]uint8, 0, 64)
for i := uint8(0); num != 0; i++ {
if num%2 == 1 {
bits = append(bits, i)
// 传进来的是int,一般是32bit,这里就用64来存bit,肯定够了
bits := make([]uint8, 0, 64)
for i := uint8(0); num != 0; i++ {
if num%2 == 1 {
bits = append(bits, i)
num /= 2
num /= 2
return bits
return bits
